Well so much time has flown by, and so much has been keeping me busy, that I have not really found the proper time to sit and post in my blog since I started it.
I am going to try and change this and keep things updated here more often. So please bare with me.
This summer has been crazy around my house. DH was off of work for the full month of July, and we spent a lot of time together, going places and doing things around the house. Scrapping more or less took a back seat for me, except for when I had to design my classes for the LSS.
My oldest son moved out in mid July, and this, although was something we had been expecting, was still a shock to us. He had talked about it getting closer to the time he thought it was time to move out on his own and that he was going to start looking for a place. Well this all came quicker that any of us had thought. He called me on a Wednesday, from work, to tell me that he would be moving out in the morning. WOW.........imagine the shock on my face!
He moved out on good terms, but I was so not ready to have him go, especially like that. There was no time to get used to the idea of him not living here anymore, no time to prepare and have things all packed up properly. No planning what so ever.
The same day that he called to tell me he was moving out, he quit his job with Sunrise Records (which is a music store in the mall). I know, you are probably sitting there thinking to yourself that that wasn't the smartest move he could have made. :)
The reason he quit, was because that same evening, he had been given the opportunity to do Graphic Design for a company. The pay is better, the job, he loves, and he is much happier in his new position.
Things really started to fall into place and the timing was all so perfect for him. I am so very proud of him for staying focused and following his heart to do what he loves to do. WTG Baby!
So, now that he has moved out, I have taken over his room. I am now the proud owner of my very own SCRAPBOOK ROOM!!! Wooo Hoooooooo for me! It was a lot of work preparing the walls for painting, getting the painting done, moving all my stuff from the diningroom and setting it up in the room, but it was well worth the efforts and time that it took.
This new project with my room was lengthy, and it kept me from actually sitting down to scrapbook, but as you will be able to see, creating in this new atmosphere is going to be simply wonderful.
Take a peek and see my new space!